Monday, May 24, 2010

Is it possible to find people in Second Life by their email address?

Okay--first, in response to "the_riddles", it's ATHEIST, not "athiest". And second, you clearly don't know what Second Life is... or you do, but you think you're trying to be funny.

Now, to answer your question...

Unless someone in Second Life gives you their email address or posts it in their profile, I don't think you can find people by their email address if you don't know what it is. People are registered in Second Life via an email address that is connected to that account, but as far as I know, the Lindens keep that information private. Essentially, the only way you can find out real-life information about someone in SL is if they tell you, it's in their profile, or if you're sneaky and you eavesdrop on them telling someone else--which, of course, I don't recommend.

If you're talking about searching email addresses you already know, in Second Life, to see if someone you know is in-world--I don't think you can do that, although I kinda wish the Lindens gave us that ability. It's not like MySpace or Facebook where you can use the website to search your Yahoo/Hotmail/Gmail contacts list and see who is on the website based on those email addresses. Second Life allows people to maintain the highest levels of privacy if they so wish, so that's probably why they've never included that feature, as far as I know.

The best way to find out if someone you know in real life is in Second Life is to simply ask them yourself.

Is it possible to find people in Second Life by their email address?
In second life do you mean death?

That's totally on your beliefs and relgion.

You can't say god will tell you if you're athiest.(no offense)

You can't say there's a super computer that finds people by their e-mail either. xD Goodluck anyways.

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